We are excited! We've been scheming all year and July is finally here. Production is in full swing. Fine tuning the script, casting calls, location scouts, prop design and fundraising! Thanks for checking us out. We would love to get you involved. Here are a few ways to jump in:
  1. Become an executive producer! That's sound cool doesn't it? Our movie won't happen without funding but you can make it happen AND get your name in the credits. Check out our Kickstarter page!
  2. Donate items for the set. Do you have old computers lying around? Junk in the basement that looks like it could be a piece of Russian spy technology? Check out our JOIN THE ACTION! page for a list of production equipment we're looking to get our hands on!
  3. Can you act? Know a thing or two about lighting and sound? Why not become a part of the crew?! Contact us and let us know! Email: [email protected]

    Phone Swap

    Check in here to follow all the Behind The Scenes footage and crew profiles as Phone Swap comes to life!

    Social Media


    October 2013
    August 2013
    July 2013